Quinn, CCRI Graduate—May 2021

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I have the biggest smile on my face right now. I went from Prep School to the Dean’s List. There is no stopping at this point.
— Quinn Gray, TTC Alumni and CCRI Graduate


Congratulations to TTC Alumni, Quinn Gray, for graduating from CCRI this month! We are so proud of you!

Learn more about Quinn’s story below:


Hello, my name is Quinn D. Gray. I'm a former RIRAL student. Looking back on my journey from prep school at RIRAL to the dean’s list at the COMMUNITY COLLEGE of RHODE ISLAND is one of the most joyous moments in my life. What I went through to get here is a rare accomplishment. Thus, I have the biggest smile on my face now. All the late nights, the early mornings, and the various other obstacles that I have overcome is definitely worth trying to inspire another student or students. There is a saying that I hear among people who teach education, “Reach One Teach One.”  

I decided to return to school at the age of forty-nine, but “What school was I going to attend?” was the question.  Nevertheless, I made my decision, so I scheduled a meeting with the Assistant Dean of Providence College. I had one thing on my mind, which was to get enrolled in PC going forward. I will tell you I was in for a real awakening.  The dean of Continuing Education at PC  did not tell me I could not go to school there, rather she told me what it was going to take to attend school there. First of which was to enroll in the  RIRAL Transition to College program in Woonsocket to build up my academic skills. Then the Dean gave me a number to call, and of course, I did not like it and left that meeting very humbled because I did not get the answer I was looking for. 

The next day I called the number just to see what was going on with that particular program. A lady picked up the phone, “Hello, this is RIRAL, how can I help you.”  So I explained to her my intentions and she met me for an interview to discuss my eligibility for the RIRAL Transition to College preparatory program. Although I was hesitant, I just wanted to see what she had to offer me.  Consequently,  I started my college journey at RIRAL TTC, and I am very proud to mention it to anyone that asks. It is among the most popular decisions I have made in my life. The work given was stern and steady, and yes, I really did not know any of it because things had changed so much after being out of school for thirty-three years. But in my mind, a little voice told me, “You can do it.”  So I picked up the pace but really struggled with math.  My inability stuck out like a sore thumb because I couldn't master math quickly. 

Eventually, I graduated from RIRAL TTC six months later although with a poor math score. Still, after I completed TTC, I was able to enroll in CCRI. My first year at CCRI was the most hectic ever.  First, all the developmental classes I had to take did not count for institution credit. But I had to do the work in order to move on. As I was going through the courses in 2017,  my whole world of what I had known had changed forever.  My beautiful wife, Erica Farrow Gray, lost her fight with cancer.  My thoughts were nil... I”ll tell you what they were. I did not have any. None at all. So, the next day I did not attend class although I did go to turn in my assignments. 

The first professor's class that I stopped felt like I was being kicked while I was down. After I told him my situation about my wife’s death, he said to me,  “Why don't you QUIT.”  I got filled up with a lot of emotion at that point.  I turned my back to this person just for a couple of minutes to gather myself. Most confidently, I turned around with tears rolling down my face, and I said to the Professor, “QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION.”  From that point on I immersed myself in my school work, and no matter what subject,  I did it to the best of my ability.  The moral is no matter what, make sure your assignments are done on time every time.  That strategy has made me a very good student since prep school at RIRAL.

Finally, I hope I can inspire one student or students at RIRAL TTC with my little story. I worked hard no matter what obstacle presented itself. The idea is to adapt and overcome.  Now I'm a graduate of the Community College Of RHODE ISLAND, class of 2021.  Go Knights.  I  went from a struggling student to a graduate that made the Dean's List, and on top of that,  I now belong to another educational family, Providence College.  Go Friars.


Thank you for sharing your story, Quinn! You persevered through life’s most difficult challenges and believed in yourself. Your success is beautiful, hard-earned, and inspiring. We can’t wait to see what’s next for you!